Waikato Badminton Funders, Sponsors & Supporters
Special thanks to the following funders, sponsors and supporters who help make badminton happen in Waikato!
Sport Waikato | Tu Manawa | Trust Waikato | NZ Community Trust | Grassroots Trust | Lion Foundation | Hamilton City Council | TAB New Zealand | WEL Energy Trust | Southern Trust | Dragon Community Trust
Stadium Sign / Event Sponsors
Alcamo Hotel: www.alcamohotel.co.nz
Ask-A-Techie: https://www.askatechie.co.nz/
Chibnall Buckell Team Architects: www.cbmarchitects.co.nz
Coffee Since Yesterday: Coffee Since Yesterday | Hamilton | Facebook
Cleo Sagin Tholath – Financial Adviser: cjfs@cjfs.nz
Cook Street Social: www.cookstsocial.co.nz
Craigs Investment Partners: craigsip.com
Escapist: www.escapist.co.nz
FB Hall & Co Ltd: www.fbhall.co.nz
Grey Street Motors: www.greystmotors.co.nz
GM Finance – Loan Advisors: home – GM Finance
iHOME Mortgage Broker (Emily Hung): ihomemortgage.co.nz/
KBL Chartered Accountants: yellow.co.nz/y/kbl-chartered-accountants
Mastercraft Electrical: mastercraft.co.nz/electrical/locations/hamilton-east
Omega Financial Services: Mortgage Broker | Insurances | Omega Financial Services
Peakstone Homes: www.peakstonehomes.co.nz
Pragma Homes: pragmahomes.co.nz
Ray White – Robbie Sidhu: https://raywhite.co.nz/robbie-sidhu/153925/
Total Assurance: Total Assurance – Best Insurance service providers
Ulster Lodge Motel: www.ulsterlodge.co.nz
Urban Print: www.urbanprint.co.nz
Waikato Car Rentals: www.waikatocarrentals.co.nz
Yvenna Yue & Craig Annandale – No. 1 Harcourts Hamilton: yvennayue.harcourts.co.n
Stadium Signs:
· All signs are 2400mm by 1200mm. ONLY $500 Inc. GST per year per sign.
· Businesses may use their own signwriter or we provide a signwriter (sign costs extra).
· Advertisers become part of a Waikato Badminton Badminton Business Network.
· Businesses enjoy special court hire rates and get invited to major events.
Interested in supporting WBA? Want a customized offer? Please get in touch and contact us!
Joanna Scott
p 021 1999 054
e ceo@waikatobadminton.co.nz
Waikato Badminton Office
p 07 856 3049
e office@waikatobadminton.co.nz