2016 WBA CALENDAR PROMO-page-001

Thanks the to the team at Brainjam and twelve very generous businesses we have put together a great 2016 calendar featuring images of Waikato Badminton players, events and facilities. This is a limited edition aimed to raise funds for the WBA and for only $10 you can have your own copy. These are available from tomorrow so get your order in quick or pop into the office to pick one up.

CLICK HERE to see the full calendar in pdf format

We will happily post it to you so just email office@waikatobadminton.co.nz and request for your copy to be posted. Just make sure you add your address to the email and payment can be deposited into Waikato Badminton Association account number
03-1555-0090702-00. Please use your name and  “Calendar” as payment reference.


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